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Infographic: Study Shows Extreme Increase in Motor Vehicle Thefts in First Half of 2023

According to an article by Insurance Journal, a study by the Council on Criminal Justice in 37 cities has identified an extreme increase in motor vehicle thefts during the first half of 2023, while most “other crimes” declined. For claims purposes, we will highlight the data of motor vehicle thefts below.

This comes as no shock, as we’ve been seeing and reporting on the alarming uptick since the beginning of the pandemic.

Insurance Journal highlighted the following data:

  • “Considered a ‘keystone crime’ that facilitates the commission of homicide and other offenses, the report noted, motor vehicle theft rose by 33.5% in the first half of the year, representing 23,974 more stolen vehicles in the 32 cities that reported data.”

  • “Seven cities reported an increase of 100 percent or more, led by Rochester, N.Y., (+355%) and Cincinnati (+162%).”

  • “The number of vehicle thefts between January and June 2023 was 104.3% higher than during the same period in 2019.”

And as previously reported, Kia and Hyundai models are still at the top of the list!

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