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  • Dean Smith

What you Don’t Know About Cheating

With the advances in today’s technology, cheating has become almost “easy.” There are so many more ways to communicate and begin an affair outside of your current relationship, and it seems that the average person may be catching on. But brings light to five things people don’t know about today’s world of cheating.

Genetics Play a Role in a Woman’s Likeliness to Cheat

When women ovulate, the hormones released change the way a woman feels and carries herself. In an effort to procreate and keep the species alive, a woman is genetically fertile, “feels sexier and may dress more provocatively.”

According to, a woman’s body does not recognize the “I’m in a relationship” status, and ovulation can trigger interest in other men.

The Definition of Infidelity

We all have our own definition of cheating, which is exactly the reason there is no clinical definition. This also poses a problem when your significant other feels their behavior is not considered deceitful, when you feel they have crossed the line.

Men are More Likely to Spot a Cheater reports that “statistically, men do better than women at detecting infidelity in their partner, but this could stem from the basic insecurity men have inevitably faced in the battle of the sexes before the discovery of DNA and paternity tests: How could a man know for certain that his spouse was carrying his child?” Back to our basic and primal insecurities again.

Men Don’t Need a Reason

Some clinicians that treat couples believe that when a man cheats on his significant other, it may not have anything to do with being discontent in the relationship. But women mostly cheat because of the feeling of unhappiness. reports that clinical psychologist, Dr. Joyce Hamilton Berry, compares (and generalizes) male infidelity to “a man walking into the kitchen and seeing a chocolate cake sitting on the counter. It looks good; it smells good. He is not hungry, but he will eat the cake anyway.”

Newlyweds Make Their Way to a New Bed

Perhaps the most shocking statistic about infidelity, ever:

A 2005 British survey exposed that over 60% of cheaters have been a long-term relationship, in excess of 5 years. Fine. We get content and bored. But most shocking is the number of newlyweds that confessed to cheating within one year after getting married: 12% of men and 18% of women. In the big scheme of things, this survey projects that one in seven newlyweds will cheat within the first year of marriage.

Contact ICU Investigations today for your free consultation. If you are suspicious that your spouse or significant other may be straying, we will discreetly and confidentially establish surveillance and give you the proof you need. Suspicious? Get Answers with ICU Investigations.

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