How Implementing Mobile Voice Technology has Enhanced Surveillance Investigative Reports
The staff at ICU Investigations has recently implemented the utilization of mobile voice technology in an effort to optimize efficiency and enhance the integrity of surveillance investigative reports, especially for insurance fraud investigations. Whether the claims are in auto, property, health or workers’ compensation, investigators need the ability to document their observations at a moment’s notice with increased flexibility.As we all know, surveillance efforts must be carefully recorded, in conjunction with the investigator’s comprehensive logs and notes. However, in instances of mobile surveillance or covert operations, capturing video is not always possible. Professional dictation recorder applications allow investigators to quickly and efficiently document their observations (much, MUCH faster and easier than writing notes) and most importantly, specific details can be dictated as they are happening, so nothing is lost, tainted or distorted by memory. Everything they see, you are aware of, even when video evidence can not be obtained.Furthermore, the investigators are then able to take all of their dictated information on their smartphone or tablet and immediately send it to our internal staff for review!The ICU staff is always looking for ways to add value and integrity to our work in an effort to meet and ultimately exceed YOUR expectations. Mobile voice technology is just one piece of the puzzle we have implemented as part of a grand scheme for our technological future. Suspicious? GET ANSWERS TODAY!