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  • Dean Smith

Common Lies Your Significant Other Tells You categorized a list of the most common lies compiled from a survey of both dating and married couples that had been asked to reveal issues they hide from their significant others.

Relational Issues

Time Together – people make up excuses as to why they can’t spend time with their significant others. “I’m so busy with work; I don’t have time right now,” etc.

Previous Relationships – partners lie about their previous level of involvement with an ex. “I never really loved her; I love you more than anyone else.”

Attractions to Others – people lie about or conceal their feelings and interest in others – often includes ex-partners, coworkers, friends, etc.

Secret Contact – lovers lie about their friendships, time spent with others, accidental encounters such as running into an ex, phone calls, e-mails, and text messages with others. Essentially, people lie about intimate, but non-sexual contact with someone else.

Level of Commitment – people lie about their feelings for partner, uncertainty or doubts about the relationship. For instance, you both may agree on marriage, but one side feels differently and is too afraid to express it.

Flirting with Others – Flirting can be harmless and a part of someone’s personality, but excessive flirting can raise suspicion and your significant other is most likely lying about it.

Betraying Confidences – lovers lie to each other about revealing something that had been said in confidence

Sexual Issues

Fantasies – People tend to conceal fantasies involving other people. The fantasy usually will involve a partner’s friend, family member, coworker, etc.

Masturbation – Men, more than women, lie about masturbating or how often it occurs, fantasies during the act, use of pornography, etc.

Enjoyment – Partners may lie about how satisfied they are with your relations.

History – Significant others may lie about the number of previous partners, unsafe sex practices, experience, virginity, abuse, etc.

Infidelity and Cheating – For obvious reasons, spouses lie about having sexual relations with other people.

Sexual Orientation – Some may lie about same sex contact or interest.

Negative Thoughts

Significant Other’s Family/Friends – people lie about their fondness for important people in their partner’s life.

Physical Appearance – some may lie about liking their partner’s appearance: weight, age, hair, sense of style, etc.

Career – people lie about the amount of respect for their significant other’s education level, current job, career choices, etc.

Behavior/Character Traits – Children, habits, personality, sense of humor, etc. can stir up negative feelings in your relationship.

Other’s Feelings about Partner – Everyone has had that one relationship that no one close to you approved of, and they tend to hide that from their significant other.

Negative Behaviors

Drug/alcohol/tobacco use and gambling are popular subjects/habits that a partner may cover up.

Culture and Hobbies

Beliefs – Some may lie about their true standpoint on issues such as politics, religion, etc. in order to steer clear of conflict.

Activities – People tend to tell their significant other that they like watching chick flicks or working out and staying fit, when in reality, they only do it to appease you.

Financial Burdens

Resources – Lies concerning true income, resources, inheritance, debt that has accrued, spending habits, etc.


Common lies tend to include physical appearance/health (age, weight, etc.), jealously and sneaking around, career/education performance, family and friends (lies to make you like them), and love and emotions (vulnerability, scared, etc.).

If you feel any of these lies have gone too far and you need proof to see what your spouse or significant other is really up to, contact ICU Investigations to get the peace of mind you deserve.

How do you go about getting started? Call ICU Investigations today for a free consultation concerning your specific situation. We work with you to devise the best strategy for success. Our toll free line for your free, discreet, confidential consultation is (800) 524-9755. Or you can e-mail us at

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